Crash report service

This is a crash report server for the Vivaldi web browser.

Does the Vivaldi web browser upload crash reports automatically?
Not yet, but we are working on enabling this (with the option to disable it in the browser) to allow us to catch and fix crash bugs more quickly.
What will happen to any crash dumps that are uploaded to this server?
Uploaded crash dumps will be processed into a stack trace and then deleted. If it is not processed within 7 days, it will be deleted regardless.
What is the purpose of the stacktrace?
The stacktrace can reveal for us what led to the browser crashing.
Does the stacktrace contain any of my personal or secret information?
No, it does not.
Does the crash dump contain any of my personal or secret information?
Potentially it can, as it contains data from active memory, which is why we process it into a stacktrace as fast as possible and then delete the crash dump permanently.